LT-STM Q-plus

The UHV system consists of a cryostat with the STM, the preparation chamber and the fast entry chamber. Studies can be performed on all types of conductive or semiconductor samples in STM mode and insulating samples in AFM Qplus mode.

Scanning tunneling microscope Scienta Omicron LT-STM Q-plus:

  • control system: Matrix,
  • measurements at 4.2 K (it can operate at this temperature for up to 24 h), 77.8 K and RT,
  • various tips: electrochemically etched tungsten tips, electro-polishing after mechanical grind PtIr probes, Q-plus AFM sensors.

Reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED):

  • electron gun (home-made in The Department of Surface and Nanostructures Physics, Lublin),
  • fluorescent screen and CMOS camera (14-bit).

Sample preparation:

  • in-situ evaporations: Au, In, Pb, Bi, Sb, Ag, Fe,
  • silicon source,
  • in the pre-chamber, an additional source for deposition of molecules,
  • two-stage manipulator allows for sample preparation in the range of 20-2500 K:
    • with the possibility of resistance heating of semiconductor samples up to 1500 K and a e-beam heater allowing for heating samples up to 2500 K,
    • cooling of samples possible with LN or LHe,
  • sputter gun,
  • control of material growth using a quartz balance,
  • tip preparation stage by e-beam heating.