Tunning of the Rashba effect on silicon surface

Principal investigator dr hab. Ryszard Zdyb
Project ID


Sources of funding National Science Centre
Amount of funding 498 180 PLN
Project duration 2014 - 2017

Research project hypothesis and objectives

We propose a systematic study of the Rashba effect in one dimensional metallic structures on silicon surfaces. One dimensional structures will be prepared by the adsorption and/or formation of reconstructions by Bi and Pb atoms on vicinal and flat silicon substrates. We are going to investigate influence of different contributions:

  1. atomic,
  2. the in-plane anisotropy of the surface potential,
  3. the asymmetry of the wave functions due to the buckling of the surface layer, on a spin splitting and a spin texture of surface state bands.

In particular, we propose introduction of the additional in-plane component of the potential gradient, beside the eventually existing one due to a surface reconstruction, to the investigated systems. It can be done with vicinal surfaces which reveal regular distribution of monatomic steps. They introduce one dimensional periodic potential gradient across the surface whose periodicity can be tuned by a miscut angle. In addition, adsorption of Pb and/or Bi atoms will introduce atomic contribution - atoms with high Z number. Changes of a terrace width together with the modification of terraces by the adsorption or formation of reconstructions by Bi and/or Pb atoms will influence the in-plane potential gradient and anisotropy of the surface potential. It should also influence the buckling of the surface layer especially for very narrow terraces. Therefore, we expect significant changes in a spin structure of silicon surfaces.

The scientific goals of the project are:

a) determination of the magnitude of Rashba parameter and energy splitting of the Pb- and Bi-induced surface state bands,

b) determination of the influence of terrace width on a spin splitting and a spin texture of electronic bands,

c) determination of the influence of crystallographic structure, including the surface layer buckling, of the Pb- and Bi-induced structures on a spin splitting and a spin texture of electronic bands.

List of articles published within the project

  1. M. Kopciuszyński, P. Dyniec, R. Zdyb, M. Jałochowski, Regular step distribution of the bare Si(553) surface, Phys. Rev. B 91, 235420 (2015).
  2. M. Kopciuszyński, R. Zdyb, P. Nita, M. Dachniewicz, P. Dyniec, Quasi one-dimensional lead ribbons on the Si(110) surface, Appl. Surf. Sci. 373, 8 (2016).
  3. R. Zdyb, M. Kopciuszyński, Thickness-dependent spin-resolved photoemission from ultrathin Ag films on Si(111), Appl. Surf. Sci. 373, 73 (2016).
  4. M. Krawiec, M. Kopciuszyński, R. Zdyb, Different spin textures in one-dimensional electronic bands on Si(553)-Au surface, Appl. Surf. Sci. 373, 26 (2016).
  5. M. Kopciuszyński, A. Mandziak, M. Dachniewicz, R. Zdyb, Regular distribution of (√3×√3) Bi-reconstructed stripes on Si(553) surface, Thin Solid Films 631, 80 (2017).
  6. M. Kopciuszyński, M. Krawiec, R. Zdyb, M. Jałochowski, Purely one-dimensional bands with a giant spin-orbit splitting: Pb nanoribbons on Si(553) surface, Scientific Reports 7, 46215 (2017).

List of most important conference contributions

  1. R. Zdyb, Rashba effect in one-dimensional structures on silicon surface, 8th International Workshop on Surface Physics, Trzebnica, Poland, Program and Abstracts, p. 12 (invited - R.Z.)
  2. R. Zdyb, Efekt Rashby w jednowymiarowych metalicznych układach, 44. Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, Wrocław, Streszczenia, str. 399 (invited - R.Z.)
  3. M. Krawiec, M. Kopciuszyński, R. Zdyb, M. Jałochowski, Giant spin-orbit splitting in Pb nanoribbons on Si(553) surface, Surface Atomic Wires 2016 IBS Conference, Pohang, Korea, p. 37 (invited - M. Krawiec)
  4. R. Zdyb, M. Kopciuszyński, M. Krawiec, Spin-split one-dimensional Surface states on vicinal Si surfaces, 18 th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, Chemnitz, Germany, Abstract – Book, p. 128. (contributed talk – R.Z.)
  5. R. Zdyb, M. Kopciuszyński, M. Krawiec, M. Jałochowski, Giant Rashba-type splitting of surface states in Pb nanoribbons on Si(553) Surface, Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures, Frascati Rome, Italy, Book of Abstracts of the 13th ICACSIN, p. 219 (contributed talk – R.Z.)
  6. R. Zdyb, M. Kopciuszyński, M. Krawiec, M. Dachniewicz, A. Stępniak-Dybala, M. Jałochowski, One-dimensional metallic nanostructures on highly anisotropic silicon surfaces, 16th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, Hannover, Germany, Scientific Program, p. 24 (contributed talk – R.Z.)
  7. M. Kopciuszyński, R. Zdyb, P. Dyniec, M. Krawiec, M. Jałochowski, Lead nanoribbons on the Si(553) and Si(110) surfaces, European Conference on Surface Science, Barcelona, Spain, Book of Abstracts, p. 183. (contributed talk – M. Kopciuszyński)
  8. M. Kopciuszyński, M. Dachniewicz, A. Mandziak, R. Zdyb, Bismuth reconstructions on Si(553) surface, Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures, Frascati Rome, Italy, Book of Abstracts of the 13th ICACSIN, p. 121 (contributed talk – M. Kopciuszyński)